Welcome to our new podcast!


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Relevant Topics
I enjoy the podcasts as the topics are relevant to what we do everyday. It’s not the genre of work we may do as much as it is being able to understand and see things from a different view.

Kip is the MAN!
Love everything Kip is doing and the mindset he has!

The best
A fantastic podcast for all business owners and pure capitalists out there!

Expert advice
Amazing human, goes above beyond to provide value, tune in to grow and learn from the expert Kip

Amazing podcast. Love love love it !

Revolutionary Approach to Agriculture Investment
Loved it. I have done extensive reading on regenerative farming. I loved the podcast. Nice Job!

Amazing podcast!
I’ve been loving this podcast so far and think it is exactly what we need more of in today’s society. Looking forward to more episodes!!

Enables a broader insight into true success.
Holistic approach and perspective is intriguing and needed. Gets to the needed wisdom behind an entrepreneur’s drive, and creates an opportunity to learn not only about the pathway to financial success, but success as a person. Look forward to more.

Great job Kip!
Interesting guests!

The Most Valuable Investment in Business: Human Capital
Kip asked great questions and the conversation had a nice flow. Some solid take-aways from Gary's comments!

Family Offices
That was an insightful episode. Hearing the stories of wealth creators and their belief in themselves and convictions to give back was inspiring. The need and timing of taking risk seems obvious yet is so critical to taking the first step. It’s also telling that the wealth creators all have loyal and long standing people around them. It’s a testament to the need to create a good culture while you are developing your company/product!

A great listen to those who lead a team and for individuals to successfully help lead themselves. Conversations with people that have gone through the trials of the business world and have accomplished great success letting you know how they strategize their path to get where they are. Very knowledgeable and motivating!

New Listener and I already Love It
Just started to listen to the podcast but I love the insights shared by Kip and his guests!

Capitalist Culture Podcast
Kip has a great approach to a subject that is current and pertinent to business today. His ability to thoughtfully interact and develop a deeper understanding is engaging and brings the topic to life.

Rock solid!
Kip brings real life discussion from real life experience, the real stuff.. not the fake internet entrepreneur overnight millionaire BS. Absolutely worth a listen and subscription!

Capitalist Culture
I enjoyed it very much .. listening to a leader in business who invests in people above all else… so refreshing to hear … he gave many invaluable tips to the younger generation … he got ‘ his hands dirty’ from the bottom up and appreciates all workers… which so benefited his bottom line . I thought the questions Kip asked were spot on !!

Another great business podcast
Kip clearly knows what he is talking about and provides great insights into the family office and venture capital space with the guests he has on.

Making Capitalism and Patriotism Good Words Again
Remember when it was a good thing to be proud of being an American? Remember the dreams of starting your own business and building something for you, your family and your community was something to look up to? I love the core values expressed here on this show and being around other people who believe that entrepreneurship is good and healthy for America.

Great business podcast
Such a great conversation between two hardworking and intelligent men. I learned a lot more about what it means to be close to entrepreneurs but not be one and realized that if you work hard enough you can end up in a extremely high position.

Great Show
Great concept. Interested to see future episodes.